Clients Management

Streamlining your operations and improving customer satisfaction, this feature puts you in control of every aspect of your customer management.

Manage Customers Smartly
And Effective

Add, search and manage clients with smart AFP

Easily manage all client's information in one place, add manually or upload in bulk by uploading .csv file, assign users to clients, search and filter clients with advanced tools, and many more! AFP: Automate freight processing

Enable/Disable client's right to search freight

You have the right to allow each of your customers to search for your service prices based on this permission through their Client portal, of course this is the price that you have marked up and classified.

Manage client's recent quotes and search history

You can see the search history of freight routes that your customers have searched for, this helps you know your customers' needs.

Edit markup percentage

Effortlessly adjust and oversee markup percentages for various components including Local charges, Freight charges, and Service charges, ensuring flexible and precise pricing strategies.

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